“Vein Cut” and “Cross Cut” are two ways used for cutting the blocks of Peperino. The final effect is very different, so much to think of a different material.
Vein Cut
Vein Cut is performed vertically with respect to the quarry surface, thus enhancing the striped features of the stone.

Cross Cut
Cross Cut is performed horizontally with respect to the quarry surface and give the stone a typical dapple-grey roundis

The surface is rubbed by brushes with several degrees of abrasion in order to get the finishing desired. The final effect is a surface smoothed by the elements and stamping. Working is suitable in particular for interior design.
This type of finishing is performed by water-cooled grinding wheels; if slabs shall be cut to size, they will run on belt; otherwise each slab will be worked separately, according to its final destination. Grain size determines the final result, polished or semi-polished. The polished surface slightly reflects the light and stone colour are emphasized. Surface is uniform and without scratches. This finishing is particularly suitable for paving and interior design.
Bush Hammered
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