
We have made Peperino Natural Stone known all over the world

We quarry grey peperino, rose peperino, a very rare stone, and lavic trachyte.
natural stone quarries
lava stone quarries
Natural stone quarries
Natural stone quarries

For over fifty years we have been quarrying Peperino Natural Stone

In operation for over half a century, Micci quarries have made peperino stone known and valued in Italy and abroad, becoming a high professional and qualified firm in the field of quarrying and processing. Quarries are situated in Soriano nel Cimino and Vitorchiano and the head quarter, as well the factory, is located in Fraticani locality, near Soriano nel Cimino.

We quarry Grey Peperino, Rose Peperino, a very rare stone, and Lavic Trachyte. The latter is quarried from the deepest layers of peperino. It is resistant to frost, wear and tear and stands up from an aesthetical and mechanical point of view.

Lava stone quarries

Peperino stone, with its variety of tones, is quarried from Paparano – Vitorchiano sites in Fraticani locality, near Soriano nel Cimino.

Wide quarries warrant homogeneous standards in quantity and quality from a technical and an aesthetical point of view. Rose peperino’s quarry is situated in Casalaccio locality near Soriano nel Cimino.

natural stone quarries
Natural stone quarries
natural stone quarries